Program and pricing for scion counseling
Porn and sex addiction program
Rate: Individual - $180 Group - $60
Reduced Rate: Individual - $140 Group - $35
Reduced Rate: Individual - $140 Group - $35
Porn/sex program options
Plan A: Weekly individual sessions and no group for the first six months of treatment.
Plan B: At least one individual session a month and weekly group sessions.
Note: if the potential if the potential client is not willing to commit to either of these plans then please refer them to 12 steps.
Exception: If client has an outside therapist then they can do group only for $60 per session.
Plan B: At least one individual session a month and weekly group sessions.
Note: if the potential if the potential client is not willing to commit to either of these plans then please refer them to 12 steps.
Exception: If client has an outside therapist then they can do group only for $60 per session.
Sex offender treatment program
Group SO Rates
Individual - $115 Group - $85
Individual only SO Rates
Individual - $140
Individual - $115 Group - $85
Individual only SO Rates
Individual - $140
Note: All SO's must attend weekly group and one individual a month unless they can prove that they are unavailable due to employment or they are female. Proof must come from the PO. Pretrial clients can be seen either way.